How Technology Can Improve Customer Experience And Influence Automotive Buying Decisions

Technology is changing the automotive industry. Customers now have more buying power than ever before and are using technology to make informed decisions. As a result, auto dealerships are leaning towards technology to improve customer experience and influence automotive buying decisions.

After all, happy customers are more likely to buy cars and recommend your dealership to friends and family. Here are a few ways that dealerships can use technology to improve customer experience and influence automotive buying decisions.

Use Online Chatbots to Make the Car Buying Process Easier

Chatbots are computer programs that can mimic human conversation. They can be used to answer common questions, schedule test drives, and even help with the financing process. By using chatbots, auto dealerships can make the car-buying process easier and more efficient.

Implement Online Scheduling

Online scheduling is a must for any auto dealership that wants to improve customer experience. This technology allows customers to schedule appointments online so that they don’t have to wait on hold or play phone tag with your dealership. Online scheduling is convenient for both customers and dealerships, and it’s an essential piece of technology for any business that wants to stay ahead of the competition.

Collect Data To Understand Your Customers Better

By collecting data from customer surveys and interactions, dealerships can understand their customers better. This data can be used to improve the customer experience by tailoring it to meet customer needs and wants. It can also be used to influence automotive buying decisions by showing which cars are most popular among certain demographics. This information also helps in building financing options to suit a first-time buyer, a seasoned buyer, or someone interested in leasing options.

Implementing A CRM System

A CRM system stands for customer relationship management system—a software businesses use to track and manage customer interactions. Auto dealerships can use this system to keep track of customer data, sales pipeline progress, and marketing campaigns. In other words, it provides an easy way for managers to see which sales strategies are working and which ones need improvement.

A CRM can be used to send personalized messages to potential customers or even set up loyalty programs.

Take Advantage of AI Technology

AI technology automates and streamlines mundane tasks that consume a lot of your team’s time. New-age AI-powered tools like the RObot can perform most of the customer experience-enhancing functions listed above and more. RObot can perform core functions of automobile marketing like Identifying high potential acquisition opportunities, calculating the TVV (True Vehicle Value), and identifying hand raisers entirely on its own, with minimum intervention.

AI-based technology solutions can help dealerships enhance customer experience by automating repetitive tasks and monitoring service drives to deliver real-time insights. Cognitgo’s AI-powered RObot aims to be the ideal technology partner for dealerships.

Here’s how RObot simplifies and enhances the customer experience with automation:

⦁ RObot from Cognitgo provides dealerships an easy method to swiftly calculate the TVV and support their service drive customers in making the right decision without delay. It allows the dealership to offer customized pricing based on feature upgrades or minor damage. It creates a win-win situation for the dealer and the customer.

⦁ Hand raisers are identified based on the response to the text messages sent by ROBot to service drive customers. These are passed on to the BDC to proceed.

⦁ Cognitgo’s highly competent BDC sales team ensures you are on top of inbound and outbound leads, inquiries, and service activities. They support automobile dealerships by delivering actionable appointments to their table so they can focus on what they do best- closing sales.[/vc_column_text][image_with_animation image_url=”6815″ animation=”Fade In” hover_animation=”none” alignment=”” border_radius=”none” box_shadow=”none” image_loading=”default” max_width=”100%” max_width_mobile=”default”][vc_column_text]If this introduction to RObot piqued your interest, book a demo today to see RObot in action.

By using a tool like RObot to improve customer experience, auto dealerships can gain a competitive edge and influence automotive buying decisions, effortlessly. Streamlining the car-buying process by combining technology with the human element can is essential to offer a seamless customer experience. As competition in the auto industry continues to increase, those dealerships that focus on customer experience will be the ones that come out on top.

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